Monday, October 8, 2012

Blog three: Revision Of Blog #2

 In this blog I am responding an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change.  The assignment asked me to read two essays by essential people in the global warming reader edited by Bill Mckibben. The air, the drinkable water, nutritious food and all the things that make life possible in our planet are being change by human actions. Not only is the inside of the planet being affected, but the outside where we live as well. In agreement with G.S. Callendar in The global warming reader by Mckibben which said "...the increase in mean temperature, due to the artificial production of carbon dioxide, is estimated to be at the rate of 0.003 degrees Celsius per year at the present time" they are telling us that because of human made creation, carbon dioxide has influence our planet temperatures. Over the past centuries human population has increased in an alarming rate that keeps affecting the earth. According to the IPCC , (the intergovernmental panel on climate change) scientific opinion is that  "Humans activities...are modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents...that absorb or scatter radiant energy..." as a result of this, over the last fifty years we have seen the biggest concentration of greenhouse gas which are accumulating and causing air and ocean temperatures to rise. The earth is in trouble because of peoples actions and unless we change our ways, temperatures will continue to rise at an alarming rate.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog two

    In this blog I am responding an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change.  The assignment asked me to read two essays by essential people on global warming in the global warming reader edited by Bill Mckibben.
 The air, the drinkable water, nutritious food and all the things that make our planet possible has been change by human actions. Not only inside the planet is being affect, also the outside. Over the past centuries human population increased and will continued to affect the earth. The IPCC, the intergovernmental panel on climate change;scientific opinion is that "Humans activities...are modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents...that absorb or scatter radiant energy..." also emphasize that the earth is being affected by our activities as producing many greenhouses that are accumulating on it by causing air and ocean temperatures to rise. The earth is in trouble and we all need to inform ourselves about what’s happening and start to do something about it because this is all we have and this is the place we need to take care of.

Comment about Daouda essay

 Daouda, is giving really good examples about what new York city will go if they don’t prepare for climate change, but in my opinion I will organize one paragraph with each example that he have and  give more details, also give some scientific opinions and give my personal opinion in that part.  I would do the same thing with the other paragraphs but with new examples. He has really good examples I think if he well organize his ideas he could make a really good essay.

Blog 1 suggestions.

   In my blog I’m going to add more specific information from the article, for example name people from it, also explain more about their opinions about what is going to happen if NYC don’t prepared for climate change. I also will add what Mayor Bloomberg is doing about it and what will happened if NYC is not prepared for when the time of the change comes. I really liked the way we use in class the 5w, so I’m going to use it for more information. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Blog one

    In this blog I am responding an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asked me to read an article from the New York Times about "what New York city is doing to prepare for climate change”. According to the article New York City is not ready for hazardous weather condition. The article implies that regardless of the city effort to prevent the weather damage they are not simply doing enough. One of the comments under "readers picks" from the new York times, Apartmentzero from buffalo says "thank goodness the new York times is leading the way with its intelligent, comprehensive, and forward-thinking reporting on the science of, and the solutions for, global climate change." it really bothers me that the new York times is the only news that is not ignoring this problem, when they should be many more that can inform about the climate change in New York City.